Introduction The world is changing rapidly. The growing interest in sustainability, climate change, and social responsibility is revolutionizing the way we do business. As consumers demand products that are better for the environment, people are looking to companies that care about our planet and its inhabitants. That’s where sustainability marketing […]

Introduction The world of work is changing, and companies need to adapt. The rate of technological development has increased substantially in the past few years, and it’s not just AI that’s reshaping business models. Emerging trends like cloud computing, big data analytics and machine learning are making it easier than […]

Introduction Orca is my online store. We sell handmade goods and help connect people who want to buy something special with local artisans. I started it as a small business, but now we’re growing fast! As such, one of the biggest challenges we face right now is payment processing. Payment […]

Introduction Performance measurement and reporting is a cornerstone of corporate performance management. The performance measurement and reporting process consists of several steps and can vary depending on organizational needs and preferences. Performance measurement and reporting is a cornerstone of corporate performance management. Performance measurement and reporting is a cornerstone of […]

Introduction In it’s most basic form “Performance Management” means keeping track of what people are doing. Great***Outline of the post: There are two main components of performance management: 1) Communication and 2) Tracking Performance management is the process of communicating and tracking performance. Communication is the exchange of information, while […]