Introduction Sustainability is the idea that we can meet our needs without destroying the environment. This means that businesses need to think long-term, rather than focusing on short-term profitability. It also means valuing employees over profits and incorporating sustainability into every aspect of your business operation, including accounting, HR and […]
Sustainable Business Practices
Introduction Sustainability is a buzzword in the travel industry, but what does it actually mean? Travel as we know it today is unsustainable. It relies on a finite supply of natural resources and produces waste that pollutes our environment. In order to ensure a sustainable future for the industry, we […]
Introduction When it comes to sustainability, there’s no denying that we are living in a world of extremes. On one hand, some companies and individuals are working hard to make their operations more sustainable; on the other, others are working hard to destroy what little we have left. As a […]
Introduction How do you measure and report your sustainability efforts? The answer is simple. You need to set goals, track progress over time, and communicate what’s happening the rest of the organization. In this guide, we’ll walk through a step-by-step process for setting up sustainability metrics that will help you […]
Introduction When it comes to sustainability, long-term thinking is essential. The future of sustainability lies in our ability to act with long-term vision. Long-term thinking helps organizations save money and reduce waste; it also helps you better understand your customers’ needs and wants. Longer timelines give you the opportunity to […]
Introduction There are many ways to improve resource efficiency. It can be done by shifting production to higher-performing assets, increasing the utilization of existing assets, improving planning and logistics of assets and workforce activities in order to reduce idle time, reducing material waste and rework during production processes, and reducing […]
Introduction Over the past decade, there’s been a fundamental change in how businesses measure, assess and report on their sustainable development impacts. This has led to new methods of reporting and better ways for companies to communicate with stakeholders about their progress. In this article, we’ll explain how measuring and […]
Introduction We live in a world where we’re constantly being told to focus on the present and ignore the long-term future. It’s as if an entire generation of corporate leaders has been hypnotized into believing that thinking about anything beyond the next quarter is just so overrated. But like many […]
Introduction The business world is constantly changing, and so are the expectations of consumers. You can’t afford to ignore environmental sustainability; it has a direct impact on your bottom line. In fact, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council found that 91{b863a6bd8bb7bf417a957882dff2e3099fc2d2367da3e445e0ec93769bd9401c} of consumers consider sustainable practices when purchasing products or services. […]
Introduction In this day and age, everything is about being green. It’s hard to find a product or service that doesn’t have some sort of green label on it. What do all these “green” labels mean? Are they just buzzwords used by marketing departments to sell products? Or are they […]